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Dr. A.R. SASIKALAA, M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil., P.G.C.T.E., PhD.,

Former Deputy Director, D.T.E.R.T Chennai

Former Principal, Adiparasakthi College of Education.



Dr.A.R .Sasikala is an experienced Educationist who has put in 44 years of service from primary level to tertiary level. She was awarded “Dr.Radhakrishnan Award” by the State Government for her contribution to research.She has also received National Award by NCERT, Delhi for her innovative research. While in DTERT she has contributed a lot for bringing our Source books modules and teacher hand books.

Among the various roles she adorned as teacher, researcher, guide and administrator, she was so passionate towards teaching, that it lasted till her retirement. Her specialization is educational research and the teaching of English especially Grammar.

The True textbook for a pupil is his Teacher – Mahatma Gandhi


                                                                                          Warm regards,
                                                                                Dr. A.R. SASIKALAA