General Rules & Regulations

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  • General Rules & Regulations
  1. Every pupil must possess a school handbook which must be brought to school every day, otherwise a warning slip will be issued.
  2. It is compulsory for every pupil to come to school in full school uniform.
  3. Pupil those who are in incomplete uniform will not be allowed in class.
  4. Buttons and Zips should be properly maintained and the use of safety pins in those places is discouraged together.
  5. White and Black shoes should be regularly cleaned and polished.
  6. Text books and note books are supplied by the school.
  7. Students are strictly forbidden from bringing transistors, cell phones or cameras to the class. Bringing any sort of comics, games, cards or objectionable literature into the school may lead to dismissal from the school.
  8. Pupils are expected to take part in all the co-curricular activities of the school as part of civic training. No one will be excused except for valid reasons and only after obtaining prior permission from the authorities.
  9. Every pupil must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit by a doctor and exempted by the Principal.
  10. Only English must be spoken in the school premises to acquire greater fluency in the Language. Parents are requested to encourage their children speak in English at home also.
We request the parents to follow the instructions given on every page. Students should be in the school premises before the classes start.
  1. Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking interest in their children’s progress. They should check the Diary daily and take note of the home work given and see that the Home work is done before they are sent to school the next day.
  2. Irregular attendance, absence without prior leave application, Insubordination to teachers and any kind of cheating or serious misconduct or any habit or behavior objectionable to the good tone of the school are sufficient reasons for punishment, suspension or even dismissal from school.
  3. Parents must obtain prior permission to send their wards for any cultural/media events which does not form a part of the school activity.
  4. Parents are requested not to go to the classrooms during the class hours in order to meet the children or the teachers. In case of emergency, getting permission of the Principal is necessary.
  5. Parents are requested to encourage their children to speak in English at home.
  6. Parents can meet the Principal from 4pm to 5 pm in the Principal’s room on all the working days.
  7. Test notebooks and application of leave should be signed by parents and returned to school.
  8. Parents are requested to meet the teachers only in the school premises with the permission of the Principal on all the working Saturdays from 3.00 pm onwards.
  9. Parents are requested to attend the PTA meetings without fail.